TCest is Cannon- Take THAT all you Haters!

Jan 10, 2016 01:36

No, really, Technically Tcest is cannon! Let me explain...
Many of you out there have probably gotten a lot of flames and trolling from haters out there who want to give you grief about liking Tcest...  And it's easy to dispute with arguments that the odds of them being biologically related are, well, IMPOSSIBLE, and even if by some miracle that they were, being turtles they really wouldn't care. But the last resort of many on the "anti-tcest" crusade is to whip out the old tired and true "It's not cannon."  (if this were a valid argument, 85% of fanfics and fanart for anything would cease to exist).

Well guess what? They couldn't be more wrong!  Back in 1993, TMNT writer Bill Fitts was retiring from Mirage Studios to move back to his hometown, but before he left he wanted to make one last TMNT comic, as a final farewell.  Fitts wrote and drew the layouts, Dan Seneres did the pencils which Fitts inked, and finally Steve Lavigne did the lettering. The comic was Adult Rated (which is code for it was basically porn) and it was titled "The Birds and the Bees and the Turtles" (done in the Archie Comics style), only 50 copies were printed and it was gifted to members of Mirage Studios Staff.   And in it's pages it clearly shows Donatello happily engaging in homosexual intercourse with one of his brothers (code for Donnie-boy really likes it in the butt).

Think about it, this comic was written, drawn, inked and printed by official, PAID Mirage Studios writers and artists in house (meaning the studio).  It was never printed mainstream to be sold to the public because it was considered taboo and they didn't want to risk losing fans and business because of enraged parents wanting to shied their children's innocence from from Teenage Mutant "sexual deviant" turtles, although if you have a few hundred bucks in your paypal account, every now and then a copy appears on e-bay.

The comic was a gag gift, yes, but it still was technically a comic- not drawn by fans but by the actual people responsible for the licensed characters.  The comics are the source material for all TMNT incarnations- so technically, that makes it cannon.

And if they can't accept that, then they must admit that the logic behind their argument is flawed- you don't get to say something is wrong because the "facts" say otherwise, then cherry-pick said "facts" because you don't like all of them.

That being said, if someone does not like T-cest, then that is their choice and they do not have to read it or look at it's art, that is their right, just as it is ours to enjoy T-cest.  (I personally HATE Raph/Mona Lisa with every fiber of my being but I don't go around posting nasty comments on other people's art if they happen to favor that pairing, I simply choose not to view that art and my life is much easier because of it.)

BTW all you LeoRai fans- Peter Laird (you know, co-creater of TMNT) says he is 100% AGAINST Turtle/Human relationships so stick THAT in your precious cannon and fire it off to where the sun don't shine! >:-P
....Also, both Eastman and Laird really HATE Venus De Milo and have taken a solem vow that she will never EVER return again in any future incarnation of TMNT EVER, so yeah... No humans, and no female turtles, but they have never outright spoken against TCest. Since they OWN Tmnt, I think they have final say in what is cannon or not, so there!

tcest, mikey, tmnt, venus de milo, don, comics, t-cest, leo, raph, leorai, cannon, mona lisa, mirage studios

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