
Apr 15, 2014 22:27

RL seems to have gone bonkers again all of a sudden. Bit of a rush to finish the website I'm building, plus the Sib is going to be home again in the near future and that means scrabbling to get all the accumulated junk out of her old room and clean up the place. Much less time for writing ATM. Should hopefully have more up in the next couple of days, though.

In other news, building a PC case, while fun, has become similarly back-burnered. Luckily, however, I've managed to wangle a pretty nice deal on the presentation model of something that would otherwise have been out of my non-existent price range. I could go all nerdy and list makes and models and whatnot but I'll spare you the details. Suffice to say it should help to considerably reduce computer noise levels, thank goodness. Now I can start thinking about the next bit of tech to upgrade and which part of my body to sell to be able to purchase it :)
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