Yopur going to hate me before the end, and you are going to turn against me

Apr 17, 2006 21:51

I am in no ways saying that we should drop all things.  I beleive in take care of your own first, and that things must be protected.  I refer to the differences in beleifs.  Unfortuantly that is as ready as the world is to join, it cannot yet handle joining more so.   Maybe in time.

The BlackFeet Indians still own some of thier origional Land.    That is my people.  The blackfeet, the bloods and the cheyenne are all close kin, yet only the blackfeet was able to stand and defend.  Intresting enough, however is that the lands that were lost were not by force, yet by marrying into the white, they started breeding out of their heritage.   Last year, the last full blood of direct line, passed in life.  Her son, my grandfather, who had both sides, passed many years ago.  I am the last descendant, that will carry the genetics.   While a large amount of my blood has it, according to biology and genetics, I am the last generation that carrys the "magic".

On with the Intelectual Discussion.

Saturday, April 15, 2006
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GTA skills fail in police chase
Tyrone McMillan tried to use driving tips picked up from Grand Theft Auto to lose a police chase -- and fails.

From Capital News 9, "The Troy [New York] man who thought he could outrun police because of his video game skills has learned his fate."

"The chase happened on Aug. 5 when police said they tried to pull McMillan over because of a parole violation. He took off in his SUV with his girlfriend's 11-year-old daughter and 10-year-old cousin in the vehicle."

"The chase went on for a total of 55 minutes, ending when McMillan slammed into two cars -- one of them was a police cruiser. A Troy police officer was treated at an area hospital and released."

"McMillan later told police he thought he could outrun them because he played the PlayStation video game 'Grand Theft Auto.'"

Posted by Al on 04/15 at 12:07 PM [19 Comments] [0 Trackbacks]
m Dumbass

I am sick and tired of bleeding heart liars, blaming society and its "evils" on the way things are. If people really are to be inspired to violence, look no further then our own history book. American history has the evil of this country that makes any simulated violence pale. Look at the pictures of the murdered indians, who the childrens head was crushed by the white soldiers to save bullets. Or all the murder and rape they did against them. Look at the way in the 1960's they slaughtered the Indians again in a reservation, how they turned on the troops. Yet may troops were rapist and murderer's in the ill of war. Not killing enemies, but anyone they wanted justifying it as war. Or the civil war if you want to go further back, the south burnt. Even Alexander Hamilton, the real writer of the decleration of independence died in a DUEL he challenged a guy to.   Riots in New York,  where people are hung,  beaten with sticks then set on fire, and this is in AMERICA

Lets go Broader. Religion is simply the largest excuse to murder of any. More people have been tortured, mutilated, murdered in the name of god then all other reasons COMBINED. And that is just from the last 2000 years of christians, lets also through in the other religions. Religions rise and fall as we try to hide the truth.

Even further back? In Rome Torture would be performed all day on slaves as entertainment. Not gladiators, but tying a man or woman to a pillar and whipping them to death for hours, or sitting them on a bronze chair with a fire under it just to torture them.

Yet we still live in a country that despite or own horible history, or perhaps to make it more acceptable, we are one of the only creatures in existence that turns the criminal into the victem. They find reasons oh this happened to them so they did it. There are no excuses, there is free will. How about instead of blaming images flickering on a lighted screen we start by explaining why its wrong, yet we give the people who do horible things, more then the victems of it.

We try to cover it up, but in the in the truest of facts is that our cells know. Agresion is the means of survival. We can lie to ourselves and cover it up but its there. Dont beleive it, wait till the next natural disaster and see how the victems riot and fight. If there is only a familys worth of food, and three family's they dont go to discussion. Our cells, our genetics kick up and tell us how to get it. And we listen.

HOWEVER, there are a few animals that have the choice to ignore this. A dog will bring food to its master first, for example. PEOPLE MAKE the choice to give in, or to listen to our higher thought. For our cells know and accept aggresion. Yet our mind, our soul lets us listen to somehting higher then a chemical saying do this. That is all I need of proof that there is something out there that has created us for a higher purpose. That we arent just randomly bouncing around and fucking to survive a species.

Stop trying ot find reasons and make it seem like some people arent just broke, that the world wouldnt just have a ruined person that is useless and will never get better. Some people are broke, they have nothing but instinctual ways. And no matter what is done, they cant be helped. They dont want to, it takes to much to fight it, so they just listen.

I listen to it plenty, as a follower of the iron fist, I accept and promote the aggresion as a way of survival, but as a human and a child of god, I also know true survival, is our ability to depend on eachother, our ability to beleive in ourselves, and give up the "power" we have over our lives.

Also I am so tired of the preaching, of the this is what god has said. You do now know, you beleive that. Yet only god, truly knows what God has said. So instead of pushing away people becuase they beleive god has said this not that, shouldnt we try to unite as one. One religion based on the idea, that we need eachother, despite what the other may differ on beleifs. I see it so much, the segregation from this religion to that. Talk if questions are asked, yet open up to them despite what they beleive, for no matter what we do/say, in the end, what will happen after we go, isnt in the hands for you to judge, same religion or not, so stop the judging now.

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