monday rotation #07
Really random songs =D
song: 虹 (Niji)
artist: 二宫和也 (Ninomiya Kazunari) / 嵐 solo
album: Time
comments: Download. Definitely download. Love <3 I've always had a weakness for gorgeous, sensitive ballads~ And this one's amazing, with the strength of voice and music that can move you almost to tears. I hadn't expected Ninomiya's voice to be capable of this- I'm very pleasantly suprised! And, you know. Rainbow. =D
[MF] song: さくら(独唱)(Sakura)
artist: 森山直太朗 (Moriyama Naotaro)
single: さくら(独唱)(Sakura)
comments: Two weeks ago I uploaded Kinmokusei's cover-album 'Sakura'. This was one of the songs that was covered, that's why I was interested in it. Good, slow but strong song.
[MF] song: まもりたい (Mamoritai)
artist: 大倉忠義 (Ohkura Tadayoshi) / 関ジャニ∞ solo
album: KJ2 ズッコケ大脱走
comments: Further on the subject of awesome and gorgeous JE solo-songs, Ohkura's Mamoritai. It's so beautiful. Ohkura has this gorgeous deep sexy voice. *_* Definitely a must-listen! =D (I consider it somewhat sacrilegious on my part, I didn't upload this one along with the two earlier uploaded K8-solos. Personal opinions aside, this song is better. Oh well, enjoy it now <3)
[MF] 小池徹平 (Koike Teppei)
Koike Teppei is a popsinger. He's one of the members of the popduo WaT, together with Wentz Eiji. He's also started on a solo-career, with two singles and one album released to date. He has a really cute, rather high voice. He was also my first Japanese celebrity crush
[wiki] /
[WaT wiki] 'Pieces' is his first solo album. It's a really catchy, sweet pop album. Definitely worth listening! =D
The album.
album: pieces
artist: 小池徹平 (Koike Teppei)
release: June 27, 2007
01. そんなあなたに
02. my brand new way
03. 思い出の欠片
04. 絵葉書
05. 君に贈る歌
06. sweet summer
07. 何処かの空
08. pieces
09. "is"
10. 赤レンガ
11. dawn
12. 雨も風も