december fandom post

Dec 16, 2006 22:02

Ladies, you can stop pining now. Daddy's back.

I need to make a fandom post so here's a story about the week off I had from work recently. Even though it's written like a story it's TOTALLY TRUE I SWEAR. If any of you girls are inspired by the events that transpire beneath the cut, feel free to contact me at any time. There's plenty Kawachi to go around.

"You still have a week of holiday to take," said Manager at the beginning of December. "If you don't take it before the end of the month you won't get it at all."

"Oh I really shouldn't," said Kawachi, because he was such a dedicated and wonderful employee. He also had a really big penis. This fact isn't relevant now but will be important later on in the story. Keep reading, ladies. "I'm such an integral part of the team how will you manage without me?"

"You're our best employee, you deserve it," said Manager. "Now go before I set my Yakuza underlings on you. I don't want to see you for a week. Go home and visit your family."

Kawachi's family were a long way away, in Kansai, and since he gave the majority of his money to charities that helped kittens and babies and hot chicks who didn't have enough clothes to wear, he couldn't afford to take public transport. It was all terribly tragic. What was our intrepid hero going to do?

Intending to hitchhike, Kawachi went and stood beside the road. He hadn't been there more than a few seconds when a bus swerved to avoid hitting a puppy and went off the road into a ditch. Without a thought for his own personal safety Kawachi rescued the puppy from the busy road then went and singlehandedly pulled the bus out of the ditch because he was just that manly and muscly and super strong. By a strange coincidence it happened that the passengers on the ill-fated bus were twenty nubile teenage girls (none of them were underage btw) on their way to a cheerleading tournament up north.

"How can we ever repay you for so bravely and manly-y saving our lives?" they said.

"I notice you don't have a chaperone," said Kawachi, still very concerned for their safety because he was selfless like that. "How terrible! Some unscrupulous individual might take advantage of your hot, large-breasted selves!"

"What a dreadful thought!" said one of the girls, the hottest one with the biggest tits. "Why don't you come with us as our chaperone? Unless it's too much trouble, of course!"

Clearly these girls were in more need than Kawachi's family who could come up and visit him in Tokyo anytime if they weren't so fucking lazy. It was his duty as a good citizen to accompany them to the cheerleading tournament so they would be safe. And if they all ended up sharing a room - and a bed - he would have to suffer through it like the wonderful individual he was.

Then they went to the tournament and Kawachi was the best chaperone ever and had sex with all of them multiple times and his dick was so big that they were inspired to cheer extra hard and won the competition. Then they celebrated by having even more sex with him and also with each other which was really awesome because fake lesbians are HOT.

It was the best week ever.

The end.
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