The Sinking of the Laconia Fic - In An Ideal World, Things Would Have Been Different - Chapter 4

Mar 25, 2016 10:34

Title: In An Ideal World, Things Would Have Been Different
Part: I - Hartenstein POV
Chapter: 04/?
Fandom: The Sinking of the Laconia
Pairing: Werner Hartenstein/Thomas Mortimer
Author: Nanuk Dain
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: first time
Word count of chapter: approx. 4.840
Word count total: approx. 14.990
Disclaimer: Not mine, ( Read more... )

fandom: the_sinking_of_the_laconia, type: fanfic, type: slash_fic, type: slash

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nanuk_dain March 28 2016, 17:34:22 UTC
Thanks, my dear ^^ I enjoy finding out where my Muse takes me - she has plans for those two, that i know, but otherwise I just write what she tells me to XD There's going to be more soon - I hope. It's going to get busy again...

As for your question: It's probably going to spoil the suspense a bit, but no, I do not intend to turn Mortimer into a collaborator. I can absolutely not see him ever do that without changing the circumstances like you did. In your universe the situation is different, so working as a crew member of a German submarine is not the same in the Fourth Realm as it would be in real life. That makes it possible and plausible, because I don't think it would be accurate under that premise to call Mortimer a collaboratoe. But since I intend to stay very close to the real life events, I don't see Mortimer fighting for Germany - he sees how wrong it is (like Hilda does) and would never support it, never mind that he's head over heels in love with Hartenstein (as we all know XD) and kind of likes the crew.

Now, your very subtle comment about how nice feedback is (and yes, it is VERY nice XD). I'm still terribly behind on your fics because (and this is no criticism, just me whining) the LJ way of posting is not very conductive to saving and organising long fics. So I thought I'd let you know that I spent several hours this weekend to save and sort all your fics so that I can read them in the right order on my wee old Blackberry. I'm off to a one week field work trip from tomorrow on, so I'll have some hours in various trains and maybe a few hours in the evening to read, and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm actually going to start at the very beginning again, because it's been so long and I want to get the entire storyline. Usually I never read fics in a fandom and for a pairing I'm writing for while I'm still writing, because I have a freakishly good memory and actually manage to copy word by word even days after reading something (and not on purpose, mind you), but I figured that your and my writing style is different enough that I can risk it. Also, our universes and plotlines are very different, so I should be fine (If not, and you find something that is too close to something you wrote, give me a shout XD). I don't know yet if or how much internet access I'll have, but you'll get feedback, no worries. I can always type it in my BB and post it to your fics once I get back from my trip. Sooooo, I hope you like hearing that ^^



clonesgirl March 28 2016, 20:18:38 UTC
Frankly I'm shocked that you would say that you have trouble *sorting* my fic into something you can read simply because it's on LJ. Since for the most part it's written (and posted) in order this is a crock of an excuse if ever I heard one and believe me I've been around in fandom long enough to know better. Ditto for the bit about accidentally copying my work. Are you kidding? However, that's by the by. Since you're now complaining about having to read/re-read my fic for the sake of commenting on it, yet you expect me to read yours and comment on it, I think it best at this point in time that we *do not* read each other's fic any further. Therefore this will be my last comment. Wishing you well.



nanuk_dain March 28 2016, 21:56:26 UTC
Oh my god, I'm so incredibly sorry! I completely unknowingly and inadvertently offended you on so many levels with one comment, and I really didn't mean to! Not for one second! Please give me a chance to explain, because it would be really sad to lose contact about a misunderstanding based on me expressing things the wrong way.

This reply took me totally by surprise and I need to apologise to you and then explain a lot better what I meant. On several points actually. Oh my, I really messed things up... First, the 'sorting' - it doesn't actually have anything to do with you, how you organise your fics or Lj - it's me and my very old tech! When I'm on the road, I can only read on a very old Blackberry that can't show websites and has no internet access, so I have to transform everything I want to read into word documents. And to keep them in order I have to copy and paste and then save and name every single fic one by one which takes a long time - that's why I like the download option of AO3 so much, because it takes a fraction of the time. That doesn't have anything to do with you! Actually, your fics are posted perfectly in order and I had no trouble with my copy-and-paste session. With 'sorting' I meant this transformation process, not your organisation on Lj! I'm so sorry I didn't bring that across properly! I've been active on Lj for almost 13 years, and I really like the way it works and how it's based on contact, comments and conservation. I was only referring to the downside that Lj-posts have a word limit which means splitting long fics is necessary (which I have had to do many times, too) - that makes saving fics more time-consuming. That's all I meant.

And my gosh, I'm so sorry, I'm not complaining about rereading! That's not what I meant at all! There's no 'having to reread', it's entirely 'wanting to reread'! It's been months since I started reading your fics, and I've had to do so much other shit inbetween (like studying for tons of exams and writing almost 60 pages of seminary papers) that I know I probably forgot some things and I want to read everything in one go to really get in the flow. Just like I would reread a book from the beginning if I had to stop in the middle and then set it aside it for months. That wasn't meant as an offence, but as a compliment! I don't reread thing I don't like. Actually, I have a whole folder with your fics because I fell in love with them when I started reading and then I saved everything you posted although I was still so far behind with reading. I'm looking forward to rereading the beginning and then continue reading what I haven't read so far. That was most certainly not a complaint, and I'm sorry it came across that way.

I also didn't mean that I copy your fic - or anything else, for that matter - and say it is mine. I never ever do that, I never in my entire life have done so and I never will. It's the lowest form of stealing I can think of. In scientific writing, I have found - while inserting my references - that I had written sentences that were almost identical to texts I had read sometimes days or even weeks earlier, and I had to rewrite entire paragraphs because of that. It's not something I'm comfortable with, that's why I always make sure before finishing any text that I haven't done it again. It's not so much of a problem with fics, because they develop in my mind and usually are very different to the fics I read on the same pairing before, but I'm aware that it's something I have to pay attention to. I try to avoid the problem by refraining from reading fics of the same pairing while I'm still working on something. I really don't want to do that to you, that's what I meant. Now that I read your reaction to my comment I can see how my words might have sounded like a cheap excuse for plagiarism, and I was shocked it could be understood like that, because I abhor plagiarism of any form.


nanuk_dain March 28 2016, 21:56:47 UTC
I understand if you choose to cut the contact, but I would be really sad because I didn't even see this coming. It hit me completely out of the blue while I was packing my last stuff and looking forward to start reading your fics tomorrow when travelling. I can only hope that I managed to explain myself and that you are willing to give this another shot. I will read your fic no matter what, but if you'd rather not have any comments, please let me know. I never intended to offend you in the first place and I don't want to do it again by leaving a comment if you'd rather I don't.

I'm sorry for the mess I caused.



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