Supernatural Slash Manip
Art: Manip
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam Winchester/Gabriel
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Ops, I did it again! Well, I had the most exhausting past six days and I really needed to do something to relax, so I made this wee manip - that I could make it is a miracle on its own... Apart from tons of meetings with city officials for my diploma, I've had to reinstall windows on my laptop because it hadn't installed properly when I did it the first time in September, and as a consequence Cougs (aye, my laptop has a name ^^) became slower and slower and some things just didn't work at all. Well, obviously, while trying to reinstall windows, nothing worked as it was supposed to, and I had to travel to my parents to actually have internet - mine decided to die right when I needed it (it hasn't come back yet, so I have UMTS now. I was pretty pissed yesterday when that was the only solution my provider could offer - why can't they just make their own system work?!?). Well, once I arrived at my parents', I worked from 1pm til 4am straight because I had a meeting the next morning back at my home city and needed to finish the installation as long as I still had internet. So I slept for two hours, ate breakfast with my dad and took the train back, went to my meeting and then worked to get Cougs working again (from an internet café, btw. That was great, really...) Don't even ask me about all the other stuff that went wrong within the past few days... *heavy sigh*
Well, back to the topic at hand, I managed to get Photoshop working and I feel a lot better now after finishing this manip. I think I might just do another one, I really need positive energy - especially when I think about next week... Anyway, I hope you like my second take on Sam and Gabriel. This is for
bachaboska to make her love this pairing even though she doesn't, and for
megan_moonlight, just because I want to do you something good ^^