An old MEME...

Jul 28, 2013 18:51


Which Johnny's unit is your favorite? I love them all but… Arashi, Kisumai, Kanjani8, Kattun
Who is your favorite Johnny? There are so many, sorry I can not choose only one
What Junior/Junior unit do you hope will debut next? Any old Kanju unit
Who is your favorite senpai unit (Before SMAP)? …
When was your very first contact with a Johnny? A long time ago
Who was it? Kame- Yamapi
How did you learn about him/them? Wiki drama
When did you start liking/listening to a Johnny’s group? 2005
Do you have a favorite actor in Johnny’s?  Ikuta Toma
What was your very first drama starring a Johnny? Nobuta
Do you have a favorite drama starring a Johnny? Sorry I can not choose
What Johnny's drama have you watched lately? Kasoku game, Kamen teacher, Pin to konan
Who do you wish would act in a drama (that hasn’t already, of course)? Ino Kei from Hey say Jump
How many times a day do you think about Johnny’s/your favorite unit? Whenever I have time to think in them

Do you have a Johnnys group/ Johnny on your desktop wallpaper? I have them… sadly only in the computer =(
What would you do if your favorite Johnny knocked on your door? I will die of happiness
What advantages does liking Johnny’s/Johnny’s groups give you? Learning about a different culture?
What disadvantages does it give you? Talking about other things that are not releted to JE tends to be boring
Have you ever dreamt about a Johnny?yes… I will never tell
If yes, what was the dream about? Mmm *-*
Do you have an OTP? If yes, who is it?  FujiKita - Akame- Ohmiya- Sakuraiba
If you could make one wish about Johnny’s, what would it be? Make it world wide please!!!  America is here… We have money too!

If you were a Johnny, who would you be? I have no idea…
If you could ask your favorite Johnny a question, what would it be?  Taisuke … honestly do you want , did, do fuck Mitsu?
What is your #1 favorite song by a Johnny's group?AAAAAAAAHHHHH soo many songs!!!  Osaka Romanesque- happiness- Inori- one love- teppen- Ame
Do you listen to Johnny's music the most?  yessss
Which band/singer did you listen/like the most before Johnny's? Linking park
If you were Johnny, what would you change about the Jimusho? I want them everywhere… so the youtube channel thing is  a good idea


Why do you like/dislike this group? They are perfect together

Who is your favorite member? … I like them together, but Nino is great
Why? His level of sarcasm is amusing
Who is your least favorite member? non
Why? They are great
What is your favorite PV? truth
What is your favorite song? Happiness, truth
Do you have a favorite concert performance? One love
Which member do you think sings the best? ohno
Which member do you think dances the best? Ohno
Which member do you think is the prettiest? Jun
Which member do you think the manliest? …
Which member do you think is the cutest? Nino with his baby face forever
Which member do you think is the funniest? Sho (he is so scary-intelligent) and Aiba chan
Which member do you think has the best physical appearance? Jun


Why do you like/dislike this group? They are angry they show it … they are happy they show it… they are tired they say it, they know they are not perfect they work the hardest!
dislike the 3-4 thing but it´s not the boys fault
Who is your favorite member? Taisuke
Why? Is so full of faults that I can ot help but love him
Who is your least favorite member? non
Why? They are great!
What is your favorite PV? Unmei girl… I love them more when they skate
What is your favorite song? Inori (I´m an old fan =)
Do you have a favorite concert performance? Inori in playzone 2009
Which member do you think sings the best? Tai-chan -Chibi Mitsu
Which member do you think dances the best? Senga
Which member do you think is the prettiest? Taipi- Tama
Which member do you think the manliest? …
Which member do you think is the cutest? Mitsu
Which member do you think is the funniest? All of them, they are a bunch of BAKAS
Which member do you think has the best physical appearance? Taipi- Tama

arashi, je, kisumai

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