[Totally saving this information to his databanks THANK YOU AKAGI.]
So there is an island called Emeraudes that is accessible only when the ship is broken down. That's very interesting, would you be able to tell me any more about this island?
Mm. It was tropical, like Hawaii. There were islanders there that knew Captain Redd, but they didn't answer any questions. There was ice cream and a cave full of emeralds and a mahjong parlour.
Mr. Asad said he went to a different island when the ship broke. It was sapphires instead of emeralds. He probably went to a different one because he was sick.
[Or, you know, because he would have tried to kill everyone otherwise.]
So there is an island called Emeraudes that is accessible only when the ship is broken down. That's very interesting, would you be able to tell me any more about this island?
Mr. Asad said he went to a different island when the ship broke. It was sapphires instead of emeralds. He probably went to a different one because he was sick.
[Or, you know, because he would have tried to kill everyone otherwise.]
Thank you for your time, this is very interesting information. Do you happen to remember how long ago this was?
[No, he doesn't care enough to say it in the English order for you, Blurr.]
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