May 27, 2009 07:07
I managed Saturday to lose the battle with my exercise bike, by falling over it whent I tripped on the frame, which stuck out too far from the wall, and then landing on my left upper arm and elbow, in my effort to avoid falling on my already sore right knee. I grabbed my kitchen table for balance, but lost it, and knocked over and broke a glass picture frame in the process. But, at least I didn't break any bones. I spent three hours in the E. R., after going to two ready care places which were closed. Thankfully, a long-time friend took me there and stayed with me until I was treated. I'm pretty banged up and escruciatingly sore, but glad it's nothing worse. Although, it suck to live alone when I'm in this much pain and limited to the use of only one arm. After a few days of bed rest, my condition is improving, but I expect to be hurting for awhile yet. At least this time I wasn't having a heart attack. And I am so glad I didn't break my arm or my hip or my shoulder. Even staying in bed, I am pretty uncomfortable, and keep waking up when I shift positions. I'm going out later to work my B shift. We'll see how that goes. I'm just now aware of the emotional aftermath of this experience. I'm feeling pretty raw and overwhelmed this morning. I am glad to have such wonderful and special friends in my life.