Dec 07, 2007 01:08
Hi to all. I am still around. Just silent and scarce on LJ lately. These are busy times and I have fallen out of the habit of writing.
I guess the fountain has run dry recently, but once again I am stirring up the waters. I have much catching up to do. I had a happy Thanksgiving with my sister and her friends. As a surprise, they fully stocked my cupboards with groceries they brought me, a free gift.
After that, we went out for dinner at a place my dad used to love, where we all had spent some Thanksgivings together in the past.
I've been doing more reading, volunteering, and poker-playing on line.
My health and my spirits have been good. I'm enjoying having my own weekly radio show on the Internet, which is slowly gaining listeners and gradually growing in success.
It's fun and challenging for me.