Aug 15, 2007 08:09
(Monday August 13th)
What day is it? Where am I? Who am I?
I am already having trouble answering these questions.
I almost wish I was still insane, for then I would have company.
Company other then these dreams, which are difficult to tell if they are dreams or reality.
I have been staked before, but by Brood, and for a Rite.
I have never been staked by mine own Covenant.
Have the others forgotten me?
Is this really Hell?
If so, I had better prepare for an eternity.
I remember now, they staked me. Did I just think that?
How long will it take before I wish I were dead?
I am hungry. Cold.
Where is the fire? Does it live in my heart?
I must stay strong. I must endure. Christopher