Oct 26, 2006 00:03
Looked like fun to me, though I'm still not cool enough to do more than plain text...
FF Meme
Ganked from margyydoodle (by way of gunshou)
1) Favorite male overall:
Kefka. How can you go wrong with a mad clown-man with the absolute worst laugh in all of history?
2) Favorite female overall:
So many to choose from. I'll go with Rydia for sentimental reasons. Though Faris is cool...how can you not love a pirate chick who's a princess? And of the games listed here, it'd be either Celes or Relm, though I'd say Aeris just to provoke gunshou a bit more.
3) Favorite male FFVI:
Aside from Kefka?...Edgar. 'Cause the tools rock, and his pathetic attempts at womanizing amuse me throughout the game.
4) Favorite female FFVI:
Ooh, ooh, that would be Relm. Love her to pieces.
5) Favorite male FFVII:
To play as? Cid. Dragoons rock. And this Dragoon just wants his damn tea.
6) Favorite female FFVII:
I'll always have a soft spot for Aeris, but as a playable character, I enjoy Yuffie quite a bit. Sure, she's a woodchuck, but really, put her in with Cid and you've got a hell of a great team.
7) Favorite male FFVIII:
Um...none? But Squall's continual sulkiness can be amusing, until it gets on your nerves.
8) Favorite female FFVIII:
Edea. Definitely. That's a lady with style.
9) Favourite male FFIX:
Aw...Vivi for sure, though Amarant comes close. I also like the evil Black Mage for sheer fun.
10) Favorite female FFIX:
I'm leaning toward Beatrix, because she's rather cool, although I do like Freya quite a bit, for all that she's a giant rat-person. Or something like that. It's the Dragoon thing again.
11) Favorite male FFX:
Can't go wrong with Auron. Ever. Absolutely the coolest dead guy around.
12) Favorite female in FFX:
Liking Lulu a lot, though it may be mostly due to her awesome belt skirt. I do get a kick out of Dona, though.
13) Favorite male in FFX-2:
While Maechen definitely rocks, I think Clasko is one of the most fun. Mostly because he's so completely hapless, and it cracks me up. He reminds me of that guy that everything happens to.
14) Favorite female in FFX-2:
Rikku. I dunno, the pesky thief types are fun to me.
15) Favourite couple:
16) Least favourite couple:
Zidane/Garnet. It just got cheesy.
17) Most hated character:
Quina. Yeah. I mean, come on. Although Gao is VERY much up there.
18) Favorite song FFVI:
Within the game? I love the Slam Shuffle, or, if you will, the Zozo music.
19) Favorite song FFVII:
Sorry, not a soundtrack fiend. But I do so enjoy the battle music.
20) Favorite song FFVIII:
Couldn't tell you.
21) Favorite song FFIX:
Love the tango-esque music they use for that stupid Tantalus play at the beginning of the game. You know, the one where Zidane has to out-move his buddy so the Queen is impressed? That one. The theme gets used again, but I forget where.
22) Favorite song FFX:
Don't remember to save my life, though most of the temple scores are cool.
23) Favorite song FFX-2:
Anything but that song Yuna does in Chapter 4.
24) Favorite song overall:
Couldn't say.
25) Do you listen to The Black Mages?:
Not so much.
26) If so, what's your favorite track?:
Again, not so much.
27) Favourite character skill FFVI:
Either Relm's Control (which is just fun) or Edgar's Tools. Which are seriously cool.
28) Favorite magic materia FFVII:
Contain, I think. That's the Freeze/Break/Tornado/Flare one, right?
29) Favorite summon FFVII:
Leviathan. I just like the shriek.
30) Favorite command materia FFVII:
Double-Cut. Either that or Enemy Skill.
31) Favorite magic FFVIII:
32) Favorite trance FFIX:
It's been a while, but I think I enjoy Freya's Trance abilities.
33) Favorite aeon FFX:
The Magus Sisters. I just love that they made a comeback. As bugs.
34) Favourite dress sphere FFX-2:
Love the Alchemist, though Trainer's fun to do.
35) Favorite limit break (overall):
Great Gospel pretty much rocks my socks.
36) Favourite summon (overall):
Good ol' Bahamut, I think.
37) Favourite spell (overall):
Blind is a great practical spell, as is Osmose, when it works. For fun special effects, I enjoy Meteo.
38) Favourite enemy skill (overall):
White Wind.
39) Favourite storyline:
VII or VI. I enjoyed the completely not-centered on any one character approach of VI.
40) Favourite ending:
It's been a while, but I think VI.
41) Favorite mini-game:
OMG, I am ADDICTED to that stupid Chocobo Hot and Cold Game in IX. Seriously, I can spend hours just digging in the Chocobo Lagoon. It's sad.
42) Favorite boss:
The Tower of Kefka.
43) Toughest boss fight (storyline):
Umm...it's this vampire bat-thing in IV. You know, one of the ones with one eye? The Plague! That was him! I hate that bugger! Though Angra Mainyu sucked quite a bit, too.
44) Toughest boss fight (optional):
Tonberry King. Always. Hateful little beasties.
45) Favorite game over screen:
Umm...I can't think of any right now. I don't think I can quite say I like the game over screen...
46) Which Final Fantasy did you replay the most?:
VI or VII.
47) How many times?:
I dunno...3 or 4, maybe?
48) Did you not finish any that you started?:
VIII and IX. Oh, and IV, damn its eyes.
49) Why?:
I dunno. I just don't think I liked VIII. I got bored with it too quickly. And as for IX...well. I got to disc 4 and was about to go into Memoria when I realized: I didn't have Zidane's ultimate weapon. Nor did I do what I needed to do way back on disc 1 or 2 in order to ensure I'd be able to synth said ultimate weapon. And I'm anal about stuff like that. So I needed to start over. And before I could get too far, the Chocobo Hot and Cold Game started calling me. Then my PS2 broke. Either that or BOTH my controllers (one of which was never out of the box) broke. And IV...see question 43. Still haven't gotten past The Plague. 3 bosses from the end. But it pissed me off, and I haven't played it since I spent HOURS trying to beat that thing. I'm betting there's a real easy way to do it, and I haven't figured it out yet.