Nov 09, 2006 04:07
Dear Muse,
I'm not sure who you are just yet. I thought you were Stephen, but he's one of the masterminds behind Operation Battlestar Distraction, so I think that idea is right out the window.
Whoever you are, thank you for letting me somehow write almost 2000 words today. That is, quite frankly, stellar. I feel better about my novel at least, which is saying something.
I also deeply appreciate the fact that I've been privileged with some basic information as to why this is all happening, and what the sweeping plot arcs are. FINALLY.
Just let me know what kind of offerings you accept and prefer, and I'll be all sorts of there.
Yours in much <3 and gratitude,
Dear Loki,
Thank you for being a crazy fucked up pseudo-god. I apologize for turning you into a petulant, self-pitying, slightly dumb resevoir of anger and boredom. You are my hero for finally making up your mind as to exactly what role you wanted to play in this thing I call a story. Woot. I'll try not to abuse you too terribly much.
In Thanks for the deus ex machina,