Nov 30, 2011 13:06
I just wanted to wish everyone who's still running this race good luck! Know that all of us here at the finish line are jumping up and down and screaming for you! We're clacking our clackers and ringing our bells and screaming so loudly our throats are sore. You're still in this race. This final time has not been called. You can still win. DO NOT GIVE UP! DO NOT SURRENDER! NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES!
I know you're going to make it. I know it. If you feel like you should just give up, don't. Write. Keep writing. Keep writing until the very last second. Even if you don't hit 50k you will have given it your all and trust me if you get to the end time and you're still diligently working, you will feel like you've won.