Ok, we hit my ridiculous level today, so I'm going to be starting to bring the rules in effect starting tonight when I actually have time to make up the big rule post of doom that we all love :)
As for individual intro posts...
Any individual intro posts that go up between now (4pm central time) and the rule posting tonight will get a nudging reminder that they are now no longer allowed to be done on an individual basis.
Starting tomorrow (I'm in TN, so I will post it before I go to bed tonight really at like 11:30pmish...) We will have a DAILY INTRO POST in which everyone who wants to introduce themselves are to reply to with their introductions. And that way others who want to meet the new people only have one place to go.
Need an example?
Here's last year's tag and you can see them all.
Also, who started a nasty rumor that they were going to be banned, btw? Because I sure as hell didn't say that no one will be allowed to introduce themselves. It would just be done in a more orderly fashion. *smile*
This weekend, the GREAT LJ NANO REGIONAL FRIENDING THREAD will go live for 2008. No idea what I'm talking about?
Here is last year's so you can get a sneak peak at what to expect. It has 3 pages of comments though so dialup people beware.
36 days left... who's getting nervous?
Got any questions? Leave them in comments below and I will get back to them tonight after Supernatural OMG