Apr 27, 2008 20:09
just had a spectacular week off. yay. was in NJ for a few days, then NH for 3 days. was great to see everyone. anne has a husband, house, and a baby! what???? what happened to us and our 2 hour workouts, and going to concerts 3 nights a week?!?! haha. but her baby is super cute, even though i'm not really into those little creatures, esp when they make those obnoxious sounds. ha. but i was all about that baby! i totally carried it around! fed it! she loves me! prolly because i'm damn crazy. babies are like dogs and horses - they can sense if you're scared or cool or crazy.
i just wish Pam would move back to NYC. :( we worked so hard on getting her here!
saw a lot of people, went to Michael Showalter comedy gig at UNH. strange/sad/great to see my alma mater. made me feel old and boring and a little sad. :(
came back to NYC yesterday, and Kevin had an appearance at Beacon theater for a video game symphony. it was nutty to see people run up and want photos taken with him!
today, i haven't even left my apartment. at first i felt like i should, but then i'm like, "why? i spend all this money on rent, and i'm never here." so i sat in my big windowsill and read and wrote and drew.
now i have a loaf of bread in the oven, and steak marinating. gonna go cook that with some green beans. Oreo pie of sorts for dessert.
so perhaps it's not that bad, being old and having a great apartment and whatnot?
tomorrow, back to the grind. blah.
just read: Chinese Takeout, but Arthur Nersesian. Now onto The Game of My Life, about a boy with autism, of course. quick read, which is good because my literary calendar must be open for the new Augusten Burroughs book, which comes out on Tuesday. Rachel and I are going to the signing/reading. yay!
also in news: my friend Nicole, who I've known since preschool, is moving to NYC June1, to pursue her MSW at Columbia. YAY!