Fic: "In the Weeds: Part 3" [Dean/Cas, AU - NC-17]

Oct 30, 2011 18:58

TITLE: In the Weeds - Part 3
AUTHOR: nanoochka
ARTIST: daggomus_prime
PAIRING(S): Dean/Cas, references to Sam/Ruby

More after the jump! )

nc-17, dean/castiel, fic, in the weeds, au, dcbb, spn

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Comments 2

cottoncory August 23 2012, 22:16:16 UTC
Oh gosh.
I do realise that Dean was maybe feeling pretty raw and weird after that night and of course, his trademark insecurities caught up with him. Sighs.
And then of course, leave it to Sam and Jo to give him shit about it and make him work it out.
I just hope the "entitled customer" analogy goes somewhere next chapter, that would be the most amazing resolution ever.


arora_kayd December 18 2012, 09:22:51 UTC
Dean. Dammit boy. Never have I want to both slap and hug a character so often. You're just.... you're just so you.


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