Hunting Lesson page 01

Jun 01, 2015 15:27

So change of plan.
I'll not do The Hair Rope for this Mango (I need to refine my technique with virtual gouache before diving into this insanity).
I'll redo an old comics from 2010 (omgcan'tbethatlongyesitis) . Basically, it was a mango without being one, because a friends double dog dare me into doing a comics (22 pages + front and back cover) in one month, with a few must do: Three colors only (white black and one color of my choice, hue were tolerated), must be in a forest, must feature my (new at the times) fox anthro family and a search for something.
She know I can't resist a dare, especially a double dog one.
So here is the new page one, with better layout, better background and better staging.

For the curious ones, here is what the first version looked like.


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