Mangtober Last Days Prompt and Peptalk!

Oct 29, 2014 23:25

(reposted from Tumblr in case you are following us there too)


Draw your OCs and SKELETONS! Skeleton in the background? Fighting skeletons? As a skeleton? Whatever’s good! Let’s end Mangotober with a rattle and a shake!

And since November 1st is rapidly approaching let’s do a quick run-down of NaNoMangO**

30 days of comic art - Note that this can mean a comic page a day, development/concept sketches posted weekly, 15 comic pages inked, 10 comic pages colored, rough pencil sketches, thumbnails or any variation of the above. Seriously, if you are drawing during November and it relates to comics somewhere along the way then you’re good!

Set yourself a goal - Decide what you want to try and tackle this month and write it down. Post it somewhere you can see it! Figure out some cute and creative motivations or rewards for yourself. Create an outline, make notes and get that baby all figured out!

…or not - Hey it’s cool if you want to fly by the seat of your pants too! Live dangerously, make it up as you go along, bite the bullet and improv like a pro. Who knows, spontaneity might do your creative brain good

Cheer your fellow Mangoliers along - Support your friends in the art trenches! Reblog and link their art, give ‘em likes, leave encouraging asks, comments and fanmails. Support is an amazing thing.

We are family - Be kind to your fellow artists. There’s going to be all skill levels here and that is wonderful. The novice picking up the pen for the first time is just as important as the old pro, don’t forget that. Newbies, we love you! Old timers, we love you too!

Treat yo’self - You might or might not make your goal but by the end of the month, whatever happens, you reward yourself and you tell yourself you did good and make your plans for summer. Don’t beat yourself up for goof-ups or set-backs! What you can do is always always enough :3

Go on don’t be scurred - Of course you can be feeling anxious or a little fearful or doubt your skills or ability to go through with everything. That’s all totally normal! Let that nervous energy fuel you. Make it your propulsion. NYOOOM!
Take a deep breath.

Let it out.

You’re ready. You can do this.

**If you have any questions, concerns or need somebody to cheer you on, I’m amongthegentlymad your Mango senpai (you can also call me Aimee) Shoot me an ask or an fanmail I’ll do my best to get back to you! (I do ask for patience as currently I am acting mod to both the Tumblr community and the LJ community so I am a busy gal >.<)

pre-game:meme, admin:cheerleading, admin:memes!

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