May 21, 2008 22:48
where did those half naked Asian prostitutes come from?... really. I just did a wash of cloths and found a one of those cheap plastic Hawaiian lay things at the bottom of the washer... if i knew which pair of pants they came out of, maybe i could tell which night someone snuck it into a pocket. =/ With an exception to the weird things, i had a wonderful week. i enjoyed seeing everyone. thanks for inviting me along.
im back home, and feeling as lonely as i thought i would. i keep expecting someone to call...or knock of my door but there’s no one. no one close at least. Class starts tomorrow. im excited/nerves of course. i hope it fits. its my last option/chance.
on the bright side of all this loneliness, its a great opportunity to make new friends. Industrial design major friends hopfully.
who evers driving this thing... full on ahead.