embrace me like the water
come in my deepest heart
the years dull and hopeless
will merge in single rush
i contemplate the uprise
from everfrozen ground
of my soul. And above me
the sun traced circles out
close over my head sobering
forever is too short
with rip tide of your water
unbounded i will flow
i've seen your lucent dreams in
my earthly vale of woe
forgive me that i cant still
breath your transparent core
give rein to my emotions
let my eyes stream with tears
become my arms sequacious
inside these sopping sleeves
become the vein on my wrist
the blue thread stitched within
the hairlock at my temple
or in my chest you beat
Become my every portion
come in my deepest he-art
embracing me like water
wash with your heavy flood
enfold me in our arms then
wrap all salt from my face
and quell the fear of death as
the outlines fade away
so hold me with your waters
i longed for this embrace
for this unbounded floating
in one unending wave