(no subject)

Feb 01, 2010 11:27

Return to work is difficult for some of the expected reasons and a number of unplanned for or unexpected ones to do with identity, and life changes and stuff. To distract me and bring me cheer, here is a list of things that are currently making me happy, numbered, because I love a numbered list, but with no priority attached to the numbers:
  1. Rude texts from nurseliz

  2. The way Sophia says hello when she calls me

  3. the way Gwen shouts with joy when she sees a dog

  4. pink_weasel's posts

  5. conversations with friends helping me to get my head sorted

  6. the prospect of seeing my parents

  7. planning a holiday

  8. the ability to look something up and formulate a plan when feeling all at sea

  9. the feeling of getting into a warm swimming pool

  10. Bright bright bright sunshine

  11. the existence of the Mup

  12. friends like minspi who remember that although I like to talk about my child, I am still passionately interested in the things that I was passionate about before, I just have less opportunity to find out about them

  13. perfumes

  14. getting the opportunity to teach

  15. making things work

  16. snuggles

  17. happy bathtimes (really, for any of us)

  18. Gwen using her two signs

  19. singing along

  20. ihavecake's cake posts which are both fearsome and greatly comedic

  21. pottery classes and the people who take them

  22. the prospect of seeing almost all of the members of flat 150 together in Feb

  23. lovely neighbours


  25. going to a knit night, and having finished stuff

  26. working out whether I can get claire_smith to come and teach me things

  27. how cute Gwen is when she sleeps, really, it's almost poisonous

  28. my whole friends list

  29. well written Harry Potter fic (SHUTUP! I don't care)

  30. Glee

Come on folks, what cheers you up on a cold and frosty morning?

list, glee, love

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