random random wednesday

Jul 02, 2008 12:25

I may well have just fallen and swiped my credit card on the Texere website as I went down. Ooops. THe lure of knitting chunky lace has become an obsession. I never understood the appeal of knitting blankets before, but the urge to knit this:
http://brooklyntweed.blogspot.com/2007/08/hemlock-ring-blanket.html is STRONG, and I keep seeing other shawly things that I want to make in reeeeally chunky wools.

How would Kiri look in a chunky weight?

What about Muir, or the peacock shawl? Oooh, so many things to knit!

I think it may be a compulsion.

Almost as strong as the one to hang out outside and go for a walk. At the moment I want to be wandering the footpaths, seeing what's round the next bend, the next tree, the next plant, where the bees are, all of that. I spent a ridiculously large portion of yesterday evening watching our friendly neighbourhood hedgehog rooting around in the long grass under the birdfeeder, and the frog who seems to live in the small water trough next to the windows.

When the storm finally broke, it was a gleeful feeling, the rain being welcomed instead of dreaded the way it normally is. I love the feel of building up to a stom too, possibly because it reminds me of the way the air is in Washington DC most of the summer. The heat here isn't overwhelming for me, and the feel of the humidity against my skin is lovely in the evening. It makes me want to sleep outside (well, until the rain comes, and then I want to look outside through a nice window).

Looking forward to stage one of my "move all my friends to Harrogate" plan being realised, with nurse_liz staying at ours for a week next week!

thinks, outside world, words, wool, friends

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