Have just been having a poke at that Facebook thing, and am not sure I really get the point of it. What's the difference between sending a message and (um) poking someone? I'm pleased to see that a number of you are already my friends...HURRAH!
I'm in it under my real name. I think I still like LJ better though.
akaliko, she who is queen of the networking sites convinced me to join it. I have, mainly so I can try and keep up with her. I did sort of understand the seductive pleasure of it when I found a girl I used to play basketball with, and who I was good friends with.
ACK. Anyway, onwards. SHould I encourage Mup to train for a triathlon? Or is that just crazy talk?
claire_wain? the turtles are lovely, is there a similar weight cotton that could be the underdress? One that isn't too swirly? I like the idea of greens and blues!
OK, off I go to chow down on a cinnamon bagel and some pate (a good combination, really).
Love to all