Oct 02, 2009 16:26
1. One of two papers due by midnight is written. The other... well, I'll get there.
2. Yummy homemade chicken noodle soup simmers on the stove for all those in this home who are completely losing their minds. There's at least two.
3. Janet's sister will be here for a weekend visit in t-minus 20 hrs. The house is in fairly decent shape... now let's see if we can keep it that way with Hurricane B. on the horizon. I have my doubts.
3.5. I have 2 quizzes and one test on Monday/Tuesday of next week, as well as the second half of my graded lab practical for Microbiology.
3.75. Also tomorrow morning is a meeting at Georgetown re: next year's nursing program. Fingers crossed.
4. I have to get some laundry rockin', and pdq.
5. I guess that mean's it's time to stop messin' around on LJ.
6. Yeah. That's exactly what that means.