Sep 10, 2009 21:22
So, I come to realize around 5 pm that we have no water. The Our Metropolitan Area Water/Sewer Dudes have been out digging in our street for ... well, forever, it seems. We had a scheduled "no water" message for tomorrow, but nothing for tonight. After multiple calls, 2 1/2 hrs and a visit from one of their representatives, we now have our water back. Aces. And we've stockpiled a considerable amount of extra, should we find ourselves in this unscheduled predicament again. Like, anything that holds water is now... holding water. Cats, balancing with water glasses. Okay, it's not that bad, but still.
I have a headache. Soon I will go to bed.
Tomorrow, I will learn more about epithelial, connective, skeletal, and muscle tissues. Did you KNOW that your pericardium is made of simple squamous epithelial tissue, and that tissue also secretes the serous fluid that fills said cavity? True story.