deaths and pet peeves

Feb 08, 2007 20:23

I was so frustrated today. The whole day actually. I think I'm either getting sick or have pent-up rage from the new found 'rotator cuff injury'. I haven't posted about that yet, but basically every time I throw it hurts so bad. And, I never know how to properly explain the pain so when people ask I get angry. ANYWAY - rotator cuff injuries are bad, especially when you play baseball and use your rotator cuff on a regular basis. So, I'm going in for an MRI and whatnot and hopefully this will be solved. In the meantime, I have officially been forced not to do any sort of throwing with my arm. But it sucks because every five minutes people are like 'How does it feel?' and I don't know how to explain it. So, I just say 'Well, imagine this - every time you throw, there is a big hulkish man standing beside you. You get into the motion, release the ball - and he stabs you with a steak knife.' Whatev. I'll deal.

Anyway, I decided to post a list of my pet peeves (which all, coincidentally, happened on this day. Perhaps that's why I'm in such a crappy mood.). The first one is when people make fun of people who have died. I should be saying people in general, but some people ask for it. But seriously, after somebody dies why should you be allowed to trash them? Honestly. It's useless, and disrespectful. The last thing I'm sure the family wants to see is a bunch of websites talking about their daughter (ie, Anna Nicole Smith - RIP) and how she was a trashy drunk. Let's face it - the poor woman is dead. She left a five month old daughter and her son died only a few months before she did. It's not the right time to be pointing out her faults, you know? And this goes for anybody. It happened today at this assembly we attended in school for Anti Smoking. They showed various pictures of sick people, one happened to be a man sitting with his three year old son. Then they showed a picrture of him two months later dying of cancer, and people actually started to laugh. I was so angry because that rings true in my life since that's basically the exact way my grandfather died. I was so upset.

The second pet peeve is when people are walking in front of you and then stop for absolutely no reason. The grade nines in my school are notorious for this. It's like, you've set into a groove and you're either in a rush or you just like to walk at a comfortable, constant pace and then the jackoff in front of you decides to stop mid-step to check out something on the floor. And they don't even realize that there's probably about forty people behind them getting pissed out of their minds because they've just been held up for a few seconds and practically did a faceplant in the person in front of them. It's actually the most annoying thing ever. And when kids in my school do it, they'll stop and start chatting with friends. Then they'll move around the width of the hallway so even if you're infuriated and just try to barrel past them, you can't because those losers just keep moving in your goddamn way! This happened today on the way to fourth period. Not the best time! Especially when I'm exhausted and an hour and a half away from freedom. Except this time I'm walking and this girl is in front of me. She rushes up to this boy who is walking towards me, stops and blocks me, and then the two walk right at me even though I'm clearly moving the opposite way. And instead of moving (or at least moving APART so I can walk between them, I'm not picky!) they move as if they've joined as one and block me off completely.

The last one (for now) is probably going to sound very petty and selfish to most of you. Okay, so you know in school, most of you probably carry a pack of gum or something with you. I always have to have something; gum, mints...candies...anything. I have this thing about bad breath. Anyway, so my mom bought me a new pack yesterday and my pet peeve is when people take my gum without asking. It's so petty but it bothers the fuck out of me. It started last semester in science when Irene kept going into my bag and stealing my gum without asking. So, I'd tell her to ask. And then she would start poking fun at me, 'oh, poor Deanna's losing her gummm!' to which I'd be like 'STOP TAKING MY FUCKING GUM BITCH!' Like, if you want one...then ask nicely. I probably won't say no unless I'm having a super bad day or you're pissing me off.

It's just, when people reach into my bag and then take it EVERYONE starts flocking because everyone's too goddamn cheap to buy their own fucking gum. Like today, Dawn was acting like a jerkoff (YEAH, I SAID IT DAWN) and took my gum (WHICH I WOULD HAVE GAVE YOU TO IF YOU ASKED NICELY) and then starts acting like a bigger jerkoff and throws it to Sandra. Sandra takes one, then all of those other jerkoffs start taking all my fucking gum. LONG STORY SHORT, there's a three dollar pack of gum with only one left because those scavengers can't fucking buy they're OWN THREE DOLLAR PACKS OF GUM. I got two. That's right, two. And those assholes are off chewing my gum that I didn't get to chew. And did any of them say thank you? No. None of them except Nicky and Tanya. In fact, the other people just laughed. HAHAH, real funny guys. Seriously, next time you fuckers take my gum again I'll shove the empty back down your throats and make you chew cardboard instead.

I'm not trying to be petty. But I'm not the type of person to have one piece of gum, spit it out five minutes later, and take another. That pack probably would have lasted me at least another week. But a day? Never imagined that.

AM I RIGHT PEOPLE? Ignore the gum thing. It makes me sound like a massive bitch. But it applies to everything. It's kind of like the same principle, like when your parents walk into your room and start looking for shit when you don't want them in there. And you're yelling your pants off because it's your room, and sweet god maybe you have things in there that you don't want your parents to see. And they just keep looking. And you just keep yelling, and then you get the 'it's my house, my rules' lecture. Except, friends don't give you that. In fact, I should. It's my gum, my rules...fuckers!

I really need to calm down. PS; did you all know that Survivor started again? LORD. It's time that show is off the air. But, Deal or No Deal first. PLEASE.
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