i saw the saddest commercial today.

Jan 02, 2007 23:58

You know - everyone is making all of these resolutions for 2007 and stuff. And, most of the people I've seen have been making really bold ones like losing weight, or eating healthy, or quitting smoking, etc. It seems like I'm the only one in the world who isn't making a resolution? Because I know I won't fulfill it because when it comes to myself, I have zero willpower. If I were to make one, it would be to eat healthy and work out but my dad is putting me on a training program so I'm kind of being forced to do it anyway. I just don't want to be disappointed when I make some really elaborate resolution and don't even scratch the surface, hah.

But I did see Dreamgirls and I loved it. And I convinced my aunt and my cousin to see it as well. And hopefully I'll convince more people and go see it a second time because it was amazing. And if Jennifer Hudson doesn't win a Golden Globe/Oscar I will be pissed.

On another note, I'm actually starting to miss England. It was so fun being there because there's always something to do - it's such a huge landmark and it's actually remotely safe. Like, I would be out walking to my hotel at midnight with just my aunt and I wouldn't feel any form of fear. And you could just go out and everything's within walking distance - like, you can get to the tubes from wherever you are, and from the tubes you can go pretty much anywhere in London. You can go see a show, you can go shopping, you can go out to dinner..gah! There's just so much to do, I love it!! Here it's like..so...movies..or mall? OR BOTH!? And you can forget about staying out on the streets past nine because after that your parents, and other parents, and even sometimes you just go insane and start thinking 'omg, gangs..rape...drugs..guns' and it's just scary. And everything is so far away here! Ugh. I just want to go back. The people were actually nice in England. Men actually GAVE UP SEATS for somebody on the tubes (people would never do that on a subway in Toronto!).

And people were so polite in England...it was always 'How are you, miss?' and if you did something nice they would always say 'Cheers!' or something. And they obviously knew I was a tourist and loved that I was from Canada...and omg I love it there. And the BOYS, the boys were so charming and good looking. If it weren't so damn expensive I would move there.

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