Jan 01, 2006 19:23
Well look who is making a comeback..yup...thats rite..me! woot woot! I'm such a nerd. I'm only writing back on livejournal, because I really just want to be able to look back at how far I have come. I no that sounds totally gurly, but its true. Its like a really neat diary. You won't even get cramps in ur hand or risk getting a stinky paper cut. So much has happened and I can finally say everything is almost how I want it. I finally have been accepted into a college and have a future. I have no bad relationships with anyone. I have managed to keep my true friends close to me which I have never done before. I've been getting loose and able to enjoy life. I finally took out the last stink up my ass. No lie I use to be so up-tight it wasn't even funny. I started to enjoy work and not take it so seriously. I luv my h-dawg like no other. I have to say that is just about the weirdiest yet best friendship I have ever had. It makes me feel really good that I will be leaving with great friendships with jason, h-dawg, k-dawg, josh nosek (surprisingly), the heeters, and even the one and only mike boyk. Don't get me wrong isn't like I don't like anyone else, but these people have really touched me in a special way that I will always cherish. The only thing eating me alive is scholarships. I have so many and the deadline is coming so soon that I'm really afraid. Time flies so fast it isn't even funny. I luv New Year's becuz it always makes you put that year in retrospect. Gotta luv it! I'll be back.
Signing off,