whats truth?? .....awww you dont care, so welcome to your life.

Oct 31, 2004 18:53

Came home from our nightmare shift today, pretty sweet :)

First night I worked in Hell, I wasnt terribly thrilled over that because I ALWAYS lose my voice in hell, so if i'm going to do it I like to do it the very last night so I can still talk the rest of the weekend. Oh well, I lost it but its not terribly bad. I can still talk its just very scratchy and when I laugh it completely cracks and I make this weird squeaking noise. yeah....Screaming at the top of your lungs for 6 hours can be okay besides losing your voice. Atleast I got to do something new, last year I sat on the steps in hell, RIGHT next to the girl that was foaming at the mouth all over the floor...RIGHT by my feet..eeew.. This year I was in one of the suspended cages, even out of the fog for the most part. We got lists of names of the people from each group and so when they come through hell we scream out their names. Ooohh my gosh they freak out when they realize your saying THEIR name and they cant recognise anyone there. This girl was flipping out!!

anywho, Friday morning Ben and Aaron did their devotions, they both did really welll it kinda scared me...at the time I still had no idea what I was going to say at my turn. Then we went SHOPPPINNG! It was great, I bought a really cute sweater, its so fuzzy and stripey I loove it. Then we head over to Saint Vincents for more shopping. I love thrift stores, I bought a few awesome scarves, and a really cute vintage curtain panel...not sure what i'm gonna do with it yet but i'll figure something out. Then more nightmare.....Friday night I got to do the Car Crash scene again. Its a really, really disgusting job but I dont mind doing it. I was driver again...its scary how real it is...its one thing just walking through but working there I think can be more scary then going through. I sat there literally STUCK to the seat because of all the blood. my arms had gashes, and they put this SICK gash in my forhead and cheeks, which was great but the blood was dripping down into my eyes, I was wearing contacts so it bothered them pretty bad.
then I roll over look down and laying beside the car is my best friend Katie, she played the armless girl....thats a nasty job...seriously I give her major props for having such a good attitude. that position is very uncomfortable, shes laying on the cement in a pool of cold blood.
Doing car crash is great besides the uncomfort of yourself.... were not dead YET when we do it, I have my eyes open the whole time and was making eye contact with the crowd...oh man. You can see how it impacts them. I counted, groups were coming through at about 16 ppl at a time. Usually half the women in the group were crying, and the men looked like they were gonna pee their pants.
Man, Nathan got to be a crow ( for those of you not familiar with Nightmare - 'Crows' are the demon guides that lead you from scene to scene ) and he would lead through the car crash scene. Oooh man I could NOT watch him. After the group had seen the whole scene he would bend down by the pool of bloood, swirl his fingers around in it, and pretend to eat it ( he didnt actually, its toxic..) but it looked very much like he actually ate it....and it was all down the sides of his mouth... I'm serious hes the best crow Ive seen, the other crows just lead you and look scary. Nate made it sicker than the scene itself...I had to keep looking at the crowd when he did that...I watched him do it a few times but I really almost tossed my cookies watching it was so nasty.

some techies came through about halfway through the night and informed us that Marshfield is under a tornado watch, there are two huge storms both heading straight for us. greeaatt. But you know what? God would not let anything happen to this production, the storms were expected to crash right over us and you know what happened, BOTH of them went right around us, they were on a straight course and did a little swirve right around the city. Pretty sweet, thats god for ya :)
Then after the last group we are told that *oops* there is no water at the orbital, almost completely dry. no water means no cleaning up. Now, we were CAKED in blood. I could not take my pants off the were stuck to my legs from the blood. they had to save what little water there was for the Jesus's...so the only water we got was they stuck the 4 car crash victims in the shower at once with our clothes on, and got our clothes wet to soften the blood so it wouldnt be as painful to take them off. Besides this we had to take off all the blood and makeup with BABY WIPES. it took forever and we were still very bloody afterwords. lucky we got first dibs on the showers back at the church, but even after showering you can still see the gashes, the makeup used for the deep cuts stained our skin a purpley color, so it looks like we were abused or something.

Saturday morning Nathan and I did our devotions, his was really good!! I thought mine was okay, but it could have been better did almost the whole thing the night before after I washed out of car crash I sat on the bathroom floor in my pajamas looking for scriptures to go along with my lesson. It wasnt a failed attempt though, so its all good. Then we went shopping again, I bought some really pretty hair sticks for 2.50 each, and this GORGEOUS painted wall fan at Touch of the World. I'm so happy with my fan, i'm gonna hang it by my bed :)

third night I did tech crew, Wall of hands, our job was to move the wall in ( in one of the rooms the walls close in on you) and then we reach our hands through the 'wall' (its spandex) and like touch their legs and stuff. Its reallly scary because the room before that one there are tons of real rats and so when we reach through and touch them through the wall they usually think its the rats crawling on them or something *snicker snicker* After break, Sonia and I got to do walkthrough with the directors of nightmare, that was fun. I got to see everyone else in their cast positions, ben, aj and faith were in the drug room, a bunch of our guys were grim reapers and I think chris was in the gang alley...it was fun to see the people I know doing it for a change usually i'm working with them so I cant see them in action.

unfortunatly my fun in wall of hands was ended when my arm was accidently pulled back into the wall WITH the second wall, smashing my upper arm between the two walls. owch...I have never passed out but that was pretty close. I couldnt move it and I was dizzy and everything went dark and spun around....whoo kinda trippy. So one of the directors came and took me to the nurse and they checked my arm out...make sure it wasnt broken or fractured or anything....I knew it wasnt hurt THAT bad but mostly I was just really dizzy and rather nautious. they kept asking me questions and I didnt want to answer cuz I thought that if I opened my mouth to talk i was gonna throw up. So it feels fine now, but feels like someone slammed me with a baseball bat, looks like it too, MASSIVE bruise on the underside of my upper arm.

so in all, great weekend. I got to wind down a lot and just have fun with everyone....great time :)
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