Feb 20, 2005 23:35
What an eventful day. Went tubing! :o) we got lots of snow last night so it was perfect. The hills we went to are huge. and SOOO fast, by the end of the night they were so packed from ppl goin down they were solid ice, you just FLEW down the hill. so fun, and many injuries...lol. Josiah got a nasty scrape on his hip and scuffed up his face pretty goood. Aaron got sick....er. Poor boy :( everyone is sick today.
Then we swung by Danners and picked her up for YG. Not too many ppl there tonight, I guess everyone was too tired after tubing all day? lol. And apparently Nates pants were just too wet from the snow that he couldnt wear them anymore? I dont know....But 5 minutes after coming into youthgroup he takes off his pants. (he had on long underwear underneath that he wore tubing) It was very strange..funny...and...distracting. yes, very distracting.
Anyway, moving on...I come home and my mom tells me some stupid jerk freshmen girls are picking on my poor cousin. My cousin has some fitness issues....shes a pretty big girl. But she is sweet, and kind, and gentile!! Shes such a sweetheart I love her :) Anyway, these girls in her grade (freshmen) are picking on her REAL bad. They followed her home from school one day threatening to beat her up. Every day they are constantly poking her, teasing her and making AWFUL jokes about her. I dont see her much at school, so honestly? I had no idea this was happening. But now that I know? It is NOT going to happen anymore. I'm an upperclassmen, these snots are freshmen. I have my posse ( lol ) of many juniors and seniors and sophomores that will back me up and let me know when things like this happen to her again.
errr....I start crying just thinking about her, these....Bitches!! *and thats a word I do NOT use unless under extreme cases such as this, dont ever expect me to say it again* My mom told me that my cousin skipped class friday to avoid those girls, shes afraid of them. And she must have really felt like garbage cuz thats exactly where she went. She skipped class to hide behind the school by the dumpster. My poor cousin :(
So yea, its my mission right know to find the names of these girls tormenting her and to...uuhh...give them a very stern warning, they are being watched :P This cant happen anymore to my sweet lil cuz! They are making her life miserable.
To make my night more exciting? I just spent the last half hour at my friends house, cleaning up her puke :o( Poor girl!!! I was just talking to her on MSN and she says "I just threw up all over the floor, and nobody is home"
Say no more!! I'm coomminnngg!! lol, I know how yucky it is to clean up your own puke....its just not fun. So I did it for her, yeeea...it was gross. And it was on carpet ( oooh no! ) Not as bad as I thought it would be though, usually the smell of vomit is enough to make me gag, but it didnt really smell at all, SHE said she could smell it, but I couldnt. It kind of looked like she ate beans, although she doesnt remember eating beans...
lol yea...sorry, its gross I know. I hope she feels better tomorrow :)