Mar 30, 2005 10:28
Yeah well this is gay.
Here I go with my story on why this is gay!!:
So the night before last night which was an awesome night might I add, I did stuff with Sheldon Huggett, yeah...Sexy boy, and well he told me he had no girlfriend, and I was like alright, you know? And so well, he ended up having a girlfriend, which is one of my better friends, :S, yeah pretty sure that didn't end well. I ended up telling her last night about what happened, because I'm that good of a person...she deserved to know right? Anyways, she started to bawl, and I felt really bad, I still do I mean don't get me wrong, I fuckin' called her crying, I felt horrible. I mean wouldn't you? But, then again, was it really my fault?! I mean why would I be the one to blame? He told me he had no g/f and I stopped it anyways, during it, that is I did say I just wanted to go home ( and for all you who read this the IT I just said, means kissing ) and just for ya'als information, he kissed me. I don't know. I guess this is all bullshit because when my ex boyfriend Bubba hears about it, I'm definately fucked. But my other ex boyfriend and one of my better friends also, said that he'd stick up for me which now I'm wondering if he's just saying that again. Grr, I love Bubba and this sucks. I can't stand to hurt him, but he fuckin' tells me all this shit that I'm supposedly a slut, whatever! He can check his friend. He's not over me I know that...He's NOT over me, he just has a hard way of dealing with the fact that he's an asshole and he wants to change that, but it's not going to happen when he pushes everything he loves away from him. That's not how you love someone. I love him to the bone, and this sucks. I don't want to hurt him, but I might have to again. I guess I hurt him before when I went out with this dude named Charlie. But, he fuckin' cheated on me before anyways ( Bubba ) and he also lied to me all the time, AND he also fucked one of my best friends 3 days after we break up at a party and tries to deny it. Wait til she fuckin' hears about that one! Yeah!!! And then he thinks he can fuckin' yell at me for MAKING OUT with someone 2 days after we break up!! Excuse me!! That shit is not going to fly! I'm extremely pissed. As if you can't tell I'm sure. I don't know what to do. When I'm with Rod I like him like that, but when I'm not I can't stand to be with him, that's the truth. It's all stupid like that and whatever. I guess. Does that mean I'm not supposed to go out with him or what? Is that like saying that I don't care for him because I do! But I guess EVERYTHING I want Bubba has. I guess if that's an asshole I got it...But whatever, I guess I need someone to help me through this because I can't do it alone. But, no one seems to want to help me. They all have all their problems ( I didnt mean for that to sound bad everyone who reads this I'm just basically stating the obvious I'm sure if you have your own problems you don't want to help someone else with problems you know? ) Anyways I'm out my hands hurt.
My song to Bubba :*( :
I guess I like it when we play
(The way you drag me down)
I guess I like it when you hate me
(The way you drag me down)
cuz I can’t face myself in a mirror
(I’m left alone with all my pain)
and i disgrace myself in a mirror
(im left alone with my shame)
Fuck it! I see you in me
Fuck it! I feel you in me
Fuck it! I’ll heal you in me
Fuck it! I see you in me
Fuck it! I feel you in me
Fuck it! I’ll heal you in me
I guess I like it when we fight
(The way you drag me down)
I guess I like it when you smile at me
(The way you drag me down)
cuz I can’t face myself in a mirror
(I’m left alone with all my pain)
and i disgrace myself in the mirror
(im left alone with my shame)
Fuck it! I see you in me
Fuck it! I feel you in me
Fuck it! I’ll heal you in me
Fuck it! I see you in me
Fuck it! I feel you in me
Fuck it! I’ll heal you in me
You’re out of luck - can’t get a piece of me
It’s all blown up. Don’t ever fuck with me.
I cannot please you all forever
I cannot please you at all
(I can feel you coming up behind me)
Fuck it! I see you in me
Fuck it! I feel you in me
Fuck it! I’ll heal you in me
Fuck it! I see you in me
Fuck it! I feel you in me
Fuck it! I’ll heal you in me
-.*..DumbBiatch..*.- now signing out! Peace and I'm out!