Jun 05, 2009 21:09
G.M. May go bankrupt, well thats a shit sandwich for michigan, but don't worry we've eaten them before. Now as a Michigander (not michiganian thats retarted) i hope the best for the automotive industry. However a bailout goes against our laise-faire system, which points out the fact that we don't really have one in the first place. Now we beleive the government has little to do with business, but it most certainly does. Labor laws in america are supposed to be fair and firm. In the 1980s several magazines related stories of america having the worst labor laws in the world except for a handful of 3rd world countries. If GM and ford are given bailouts they will most likely never be paid back: If we give them money, that supposedly we as a country can't afford to do, then we are lowering the value of our currency. The more money your print the less it is worth, which is why some countries physically weigh there currency to determine value. Big business generally runs the government and never the other way around. Many large powerful companies make enough that they may loose a couple million from one plant and get government money for it while another plant may be makine more than enough to pick up the slack for it... robbing peter to pay paul is obviously easier. GM and Ford are great companies but all empires eventually come to a fall, and in a true free-market government thats what should happen. Theres is very little help for white young males who bust there ass's to make payments. Thousands of people on disability are physically able to take less strenious jobs at a lower pay rate, but are not willing. People quit there jobs to get unemployment or college aid. While people like Erin have to work and go to school. Today i paid off the bills with no government help, just a lot of hard work And i'm learning its tough to survive being a laborer, but fuckit i am what i am, and proud of it. I'm an American