Jan 29, 2009 21:01
Our water line has frozen. Our water line has frozen and i can't afford to have it thawed.
I can't afford to have it thawed....and....and it probably doesn't cost as much as my insurance deductable.
I only get 20 hours a week at the pub at minimuim wage, i only get 20 hours there and the temp agencies can't place me because times are bad.
The dogs need registered, which means they need rabies shots. Erins financial aid is about enough to pay part of what we owe her grandpa for her classes and part of the wedding stuff.
Now despite all this i continue to work on my movie.
Yes a movie which some companies spend millions of dollars on, and have casts and offices with thousands of workers, i'm making with a handfull of good friends a few bucks and alot of
struggle.... Why you may ask? the reasons are simple.
1.) The path to my destiny will not be an easy one, and whether this effort suceeds or fails, it's an obstacle i feel i need to rise above.
2.) I'm crazy, I'm a story teller, and i know my life is always different than everyone elses life. I'm okay with that, this probably doesn't make sense to alot of people, i know i should go to school study hard and learn math and sciene and business stuff, but that ain't me babe, no no no, that ain't me babe.
3.) If my attempt as a movie maker can help some of my friends make progress pursueing there art, then thats a bullet i'm willing to bite.
Art and the working man arn't so different, may my stress be what leads me to a happier life.