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moka_n_waffles February 26 2013, 01:12:23 UTC
"You know this group is weird when sexual harassment is the norm. Also, Yasu looks WAY too much like a girl." << Lol, this is like the essence of Kanjani8 in two sentences. Awesome!! XD

What to say about this concert. The Rangers skit is hilarious! I always laugh from beginning to end... everything is so random and DAMN HINA WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT CAR. XD I remember my brother's comment, "WTF?? I understand he's forever alone because no one wanted to become him, but why the hell does he have a GREEN CAR??" XD

Maru is such a sweetie. How can someone like him be real?? He just blows my mind because of how adorable he is.

I don't really like Glorious, but Subaru looks GORGEOUS on the PV. Also on this whole DVD. I like his hair. Kicyu is ADORABLE, and Yoko was just SO handsome in 2009 I can't deal with it. I hate how Yasu's hair looks like mushy instant noodles though. :(

OMG BRULÉE!! *____* Sometimes I kind of forget this song exists and when it comes up I flail stupidly. XD What I like the most aside from the dance are the red gloves. I don't know why but I think they look so cool while wearing gloves.

Also something I most likely won't forget to point out when I write my post: Ohkura's hair looks kind of wet for the second half. Also Subaru ties his hair up at the end. HAIR. *_*

I love, love, LOVE Rolling Coaster. It's one of my favorite songs. (lol the shape of the stage... everyone probably knows what you're talking about XD)

This post was great!! I like how you started to insert random flailing here and there. Like "SUBARUUU" and nothing else. I approve XDb


essie07 February 26 2013, 05:24:10 UTC
HAHA I KNOW RIGHT. So many stories about showering together, seeing each others' privates, touching each other inappropriately... they wouldn't be K8 if they didn't do any of that hilarious stuff together.

Maru is totally a sweetie, right?! His parents must be awesome because they raised such a nice son.

Haha... Glorious is really just an okay song for me because obviously their pronunciation is lacking. It's not bad, but I can't even guess what made them venture into the word of full English songs. I bet 99% of their Japanese fans were just like, "I don't understand a single word you're singing, but I love you." Well... even English speakers don't know what they're singing some of the time >.>

Yasu's hair looks like mushy instant noodles though. :(
YES. I love Yasu blonde, but really, that perm was just one step too far. Although... Tatsu with a perm seems to work for me like in his documentary interviews. Ryo with a perm is nice, too.

About Ohkura's wet hair: YES. Actually, I almost took a cap of him really head-banging and you can see all these drops of water fly out from his hair.

Haha, I'm usually quite well-composed during my Janiben posts, so I use these DVD highlights to unleash the flail every now and then. Sometimes just yelling out their name conveys what I feel to other fans. You and I both love Subaru, so we kind of understand each other ^_~


moka_n_waffles March 3 2013, 23:57:58 UTC
Just posted my Puzzle review!! :D And my brain is quite dead... XD


essie07 March 4 2013, 04:54:06 UTC
Otsukare! Man, my brain is dead, too. I watched WAY too much stuff this past week. My eyes are all messed up. Haha, but I only have ExE left... ugh, don't want to start it until... tomorrow.


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