Title: Virtuous Lunch
Rating: PG
Characters: Seifer, Zell
It's funny how after everything, Zell had been the one to teach him virtue via processed meat.
His constant drive to consume hotdogs had humbled Seifer, as he understood what a true romantic dream could be in action.
He had learned about charity by always buying more than he would ever eat himself, so that he'd have lunch as Zell ate half off his plate.
He diligently made his way to the cafeteria early just so that he could guarantee to get Zell's favorite before they'd run out. And also to make sure that they would run out and Zell would have to bug him.
Sometimes, he'd wait almost an hour for Zell to show up so that they could eat together, his patience expanding by the day.
Though the pleading and smartassing would have before cracked his temper, now he kindly offered the free meal without teasing.
Seifer practiced temperance as he moderated himself and only watched Zell eat half of the time.
And he remained chaste and didn't pursue his lusts as he saw those lips wrap around the large hotdogs and swallow them easily.
He would practice these virtues everyday and wouldn't risk losing it all by being sinful. What he had meant too much.
Obviously this is not HoE Seifer, lol.
skittles4zell The sins and virtues bunny bit too hard and I had to write these as a pair.