(no subject)

Feb 11, 2008 16:15

Today at work a friend mentioned that I’m arrogant. Cracked me up because even though a. I can see why she think that and b. it’s totally true, it (as with most declarations of essentialist characteristics) highlights the paradoxes implicit in personality.

Cuz… I’m pretty awesome. I’m brilliant and resourceful and a little cute. I know that.  I also know that I’m a scatterbrained incompetent and I’m fairly certain that without the drunk elephant story I’d be unredeemingly boring. Every once in a bit I still have spasms of self-idulgent crazy because I’m not good enough… And if you asked “good enough for what?” you’ve completely missed the point.

(I've been in an italics kind of mood).

It’s a good thing I became friends with most of my friends before I realized how awesome they are or how would I ever have asked them to hang out? (Partially excepting, perhaps, some of those who mysteriously persued my friendship. Crazies.) Seriously, when it comes to, say Mr. Calm Benevolence, my pathetic level is the height of a medium elephant (that one was for Izzy).

But paradoxes are pretty, so it’s all ok.


Lately my boss keeps saying good things about me. This possibly should not thrill me as much as it does--you know, since a well-trained monkey could do my job. (Hell, I sought out a monkey job. I spend enough time agonizing about my recreational activities--peer counseling and tutoring runaway and throway teenagers and having lately far too much to do with administrative details at the shelter I spend too much time at--it's sweet to clock in and know that suddenly very little matters for very long so long as I'm not grossly incompetent). Nonetheless? Yay, I made no typos! I am a good monkey and maybe I can have a treat and you will love me?!


I am starting to get pissed off at Malcolm Gladwell. This is sad because I spent so long half in love with him--his articles are so tight and hardcore and appear to be carefully researched and full of sophisticated thought, but... *sigh* Mental note; if you think you enjoy a man's work, don't read his book. It's like suddenly realizing that your astounding make-out partner can't follow through in bed. You're excited about how social theories are superficialy connected? *yawn* No, really, I'm thrilled. If I fake an orgasm can I go home and root out my reliable Spinoza?

Oh gods, Godspell just popped up on iTunes. Schwartz, you are not my usual style and yet I love you.
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