Hi, this is
bipagan . I've only had one shot and amaretto drunk from an orange so I don't count as drunk.
izzybeth is playing the guitar and complaining about the B cord or note or something like that. She says its difficult to write a song in E major without the B major cord. Can you name a song that doesn't use B? She likes B minor. B major is what sucks.
nanimo 's butt is ringing. It's KILTMAN! Hes not coming.
"Why won't it go in?"
"Cuz it doesn't go in sideways you idjit."
Edit: I would like to point out that I was not, in fact, drunk, but rather terribly tired and immensly content to listen to
izzybeth play guitar. Also, no matter what crazies may say, my ass does not rise higher in the air as I get more comfortable. (And my eyes don't blink out of sequence. LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU)