The Friday Five

Jan 13, 2023 23:18

  1. What's a food you liked when you were younger but don't anymore?

    This is quite difficult for me because there are loads of foods I grew up with in Hawai'i that I never eat now due to their non-availability where i live in the UK. So I find it easier to name foods that I liked when I was younger but am unsure I would like now, such as stinky pickle radish, humbao, and chicken malunggai.

  2. What's a food you used to not like but now you do?

    I used to loathe spicy food. I can tolerate a moderate amount of chilli now and enjoy it.

  3. What's a food you enjoy eating both warm and cold?

    Y'all, I am super lazy about food preparation, I will eat almost anything cold if it saves time. If left to my own devices I would live on ramen, fruit you don't have to peel, and tea.

  4. Are there any foods you can't get anymore? Why not?

    *weeping* So many. If I list them (manapua), I (malasadas) will (cheap sushi) get (burritos should not cost £8) depressed. Second question: geography.

  5. What's your favorite "breakfast for dinner" (or "dinner for breakfast") food?

    Sweet American-style pancakes for dinner.

meme: friday five, meme

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