Day 29/183: Carmarthenshire photo + Weekly Goal Check-in (8/52)

Feb 23, 2020 15:49

Keiki and Humuhumu running up the hill toward Paxton’s Tower in Carmarthenshire, Wales, whilst pretending to be aeroplanes.

  • Survive Brexit. Gritting teeth and getting on with it. DONE

  • Go to the gym twice a week. I note that last week, I’d thought this one was going to go better. Not so much, given that I was only in the office two days and it was wall-to-wall meetings. I did do quite a lot of walking, though, so it’s not like I didn’t get exercise. Still, I need to do better next week or the whole month will be lost. 0/2 NOT DONE

  • Don't eat meat at lunchtime. As I was at home a good deal and polishing off leftovers for lunch rather than making vegetarian sandwiches, this didn’t happen. NOT DONE

  • Consume meat at evening meals a maximum of three times per week. No meat on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. DONE

  • Consume alcohol once per week socially and once at home. No chance to do this socially, but had booze three evenings this week (just one beer, except for last night). NOT DONE

  • Leave 3 comments per day on LJ and DW on other people's posts. Failed on Wednesday, when everything was just too hard. NOT DONE

  • Write one community post per month. Already DONE for February.

  • Read more than ten new books this year. Too much going on this week, so still at 5/11. NO PROGRESS

  • Reduce Facebook checks from once a week to once a month. I had to look this week due to being directed to a post on one of the school groups, so that means I’ve looked twice in Feb. Boo. NOT DONE

  • Eliminate the two phone games I still play. Still not quite quit of the second one, but time spent is now very minimal. PROGRESS MADE

This entry was originally posted at The titration count is at
.0 pKa.

goal check-in, wales, gaming, food, metablogging, exercise, travel, photo, child-rearing, reading, keiki, facebook, humuhumu, project, project: 183 posts

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