...because things have gotten so bad and there's not much anybody COULD do anymore besides picketing. Those who don't have jobs anymore obvious do have all the time they need to express their frustration.
http://www.businessinsider.com/what-wall-street-protesters-are-so-angry-about-2011-10?op=1 We all know what the problem is, but the thing is there's pretty darn near no way to solve it. With politicians and corporations (e.g. Lobbyists, Banks and "Wall Street") scratching each other's backs it doesn't matter who you blame or don't blame, who you voted for or didn't vote for. It's also not even a matter of more or less regulation, bigger government / smaller government it's all the same. Oh, and OVERTHROWING the government obviously won't help one wit so anarchists shouldn't get overexcited either. It's one big intractable mess.
Campaign finance reform might help "somewhere" down the road but I don't think that would solve the problem either.
I guess I'll vote Ron Paul just for the heck of it (write in, because he won't even win the primaries), even though it won't do jack.