
Oct 14, 2008 13:15

3 days after the last cake, I made another one! Bittersweet Chocolate Mousse Cake...it looked kinda nice. I'll try to find a pic of it.

Been playing ffxi more lately...had my very first and disastrous lv sync party on my NIN. When you have a THF not lv synced said he hit for 0, you know your party is in trouble! I was in Kuftal Tunnel on my own mostly, with Fio when he had time, Pro stopped by just to kick us out of kuftal to do some avatars. Joined a ls that does random stuff with AD so that gave me something to do. Last night I partied with Pro, Fio, Francis, Errata and a random WAR in Aydeewa...we cleaned out both rooms easily! It was nice to exp with people I know. Allen also came back with his lv 1 rdm...who he has no intention of lvling it up :(

Ranting of the day:

So this dude called and said he has been waiting for a refund for three weeks and he doesn't want to start a dispute through paypal. I looked at the record and told him "it says you called on 10/1 and today's 10/14." Why do people gotta lie through their teeth? Don't they feel embarrassed when they're busted?
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