
Sep 29, 2008 03:01

Lordy...so busy this weekend
I had 3 assignments due on Sunday so I was busy trying to finish it all week.
But I slacked...I went to MAC on Thursday night lol
Saturday I was awake around 9am...that's really early for me!
Did random errands, hw, then Norman's birthday dinner at Wildfire...
Before the dinner however, I went to pick Annie up in SS, then proceeded to Aimee's and Mei's...so we can go check out new stuff (never hurts to look at the stuff again!) This newbie artist put eyeshadow on my face...eww...I like the colors but...not his skills.
Wildfire was nice, except I asked them to put blue cheese on the side, they didn't. I asked for medium prime rib, I got well done. Thank goodness the meat was still very very tender.
After party was at my house. While the guys were busy drinking/watching Harold & Kumar/playing cards, the girls were playing makeup. I ended up having a shot with the guys, not too bad... I had to stay sober tho...who else was gonna cook for them at 2am when they wanted noodles?! I cooked noodles, fried some eggs, dumplings, wontons, fish balls, beef tendon meat ball, and heat up some sprouts. It was the first time Ben had home cooked stuff, and he liked it :)
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