Doll: Decided finally(hopefully) on a Screndipity I.S.M.Y boy. Omg, his body can twist into all these poses. It is NUTS. Take a look at the links below. He's like 435, but he comes with: makeup, fully assembled body, wig, 2 sets of 14mm acryllic eyes. <---- Check it!
School: Failing a class, but I'm okay. I slept through a few classes this week mainly 2nd hour, but I made it to all the others. I'm changing highschools next semester.....yes, to Pinnacle Online School. You get 5 hours of work a day but you have to go to the site(actually little mini school) for 5 hours a week. Luckily, I live about 5 to 10 mins by bike or walking.
Anthony: Here we go again. I feel really upset. Anthony's had alot of stuff happen to him and in a way I feel responsible, because he did try to call me to come over. I wasn't home and didn't pick up my cell. I feel like I caused all this. He's been busy. I mean, he doesn't even talk to me at school. He talks to alot of other people, but for me....not very long. When I went to his house today, it was supposed to be a time for us to be all snuggly, cuddly and wuffy - duffy together. I know, shut up. If you can guess, that didn't happen.....I made him food(sandwitches, cuz i suck at cooking). I made it all elaborate on a plate of lettuce with mustard and salami on the side. I even cut the sandwitches triangle style and put 2 pieces stacked on one end all artsy and the other 2 on the other end all artsy too. XD Yeah, but I got no time with him, because I was going to lie down with him, but I didn't want his parents to get pissed off. Then he got sick. I felt so bad I had to leave. He had a huge headache ;.; -Le SIGH!- I just want to spend time with my Piggy....
Friends: Hanging out with Sabbie tomorrow...or XD probably today since its past midnight. I hope that I can have fun tomorrow. ^^ I forgot what I'm going to, but I'll try and remember my camera to take pics.
Well, I'm tired. Found a song by T.M.R called Burnin' XMAS. Pretty good. ^^
Words: I just wanna hug you so tight, that you can't leave me tonight. Oh why, oh why must you leave me tonight. All I want is just to be snug next to you for a little while. Please don't leave, oh baby hold onto me tight.