I have done a culling of the friend's list. A lot of people I know just don't update lj anymore and there are a lot of people that I friended that I just don't read, so I've done a bit of cutting here and there. You know, got to keep things trim.
There are some people that I still have friended even though they don't update because I want to give those people full access to my journal. Not that I really update very much these days...
And I should. I don't have a lot of things to say, but god knows that's never stopped me before. It's just that most of the stuff I think about these days is pretty whiny. Wait! I'll fangirl about Kenshin!
For those of you who have been my lj friends for a million years (all, like, five of you) you will note that there was this show, Rurouni Kenshin, that I had access to in high school. (THANK-YOU LIISU I LOVE YOU FOREVER!) I really liked that show. Like, I'd go to school and I wouldn't be able to pay attention all day because there were taped episodes of that show sitting in my mom's house and omgIhadtowatchitrightthenorI'ddie! I didn't die, but I'm sure I irritated the hell out of my friends.
Rurouni Kenshin, for those of you who are uninitiated in PURE AWESOME is an anime series based on a manga originially created by Nobuihro Watsuki. The manga is totally fucking amazing, go read it now. I'll wait.
Are you done yet? Yeah, I know, it's super long. I'll keep waiting.
...Okay, no I won't, because that manga has 800,000 chapters and the art is really, really good, so I know you'll be wanting to pore over every page in detail. I know I did. The show, however, only has 95 episiodes and, really, you can skip the third season. Really.
But the first seasons, OH MY GOD! They're totally amazing.
Now, a little backstory: I was a total anime otaku in high school. I was obnoxious. I used Japanese phrases in my everyday life, I acted like a damn
Genki Girl, and I was one of the great unwashed. I ate, drank, and breathed anime. It was the bulk of what I watched and I surrounded myself with a social-awkward cabal of friends who also ate, drank, and breathed anime.
Well, time went on and I totally burned myself out on anime. Like, totally. I watched maybe three anime series in the next few years and those were mostly series that I'd seen before and just felt like re-watching (pretty much just Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop).
I also became really self-conscious of my otaku past. I felt like it was some really immature phase I went through and I became really, really embarrassed about my Japanophilia and ridiculous anime snobbery. So, I did my best to distance myself from my interest in Japanese history and culture, because I didn't want to be one of THOSE people, you know? Who are you so obsessed with some other country and its culture that they lose sight of the country that they DO live in.
And then I fell in love with bento boxes. They're awesome. They have wonderful shapes and portability and you can get ones that fit a really remarkable amount of food. I loved bento culture and read endless bento blogs, but I was too self-conscious to take a bento to work with me because I didn't want to look like a white girl who really, really, really wanted to be a Japanese girl. I don't want to be a Japanese girl. Many of them get groped on subways and Japan has a very different approach to the proper way to treat women than America has and I don't want any part of that. I like being an American girl, but I also really like bento boxes. I was in an existential quandary.
And then, Justin and I borrowed Kenshin from Lisa since he hadn't seen it. And it all came back to me. I felt like an amnesiac in a soap opera, where I saw my brother's daughter and suddenly remembered all about the car accident and ensuing alien abduction where my memory was wiped and I forgot about that affair I had with my long-lost uncle's best friend's son and got pregnant, but was so ashamed of my tarnished past as a gangster that I gave the baby to my brother in hopes that he could give her the life that I never could. It was just like that. Only better, because it didn't mean that I'd ever given birth. I remembered the squealing and the bishologues and the fantasy feud between Duo and Kenshin. I remembered obsessively studying katanas and Meiji-era clothing and hair, so I could draw it better. And the drawings... The endless experimentation with ink and watercolor, my failure to draw halfway decent fanart, and my insistence on including rogue Japanese swordsmen into EVERYTHING I created. I remembered the exhilarated feeling of sitting in my freezing yellow bedroom at my mom's house, watching Kenshin learn the succession technique on my tiny little tv screen and nearly hyperventilating. I seriously had to leave the room.
I remembered how good it felt to unashamedly fangirl.
Oh, I did some fangirling post-anime. My Lord of the Rings fandom was pretty epic, and my Harry Potter fandom continues to this day, albeit in very abbreviated form, but anime was the first and Kenshin was the greatest. My love of Kenshin has spawned so much other love, it's ridiculous. I admit, freely and happily, that I have a ridiculous crush on Kenshin. Yes, I know he's an animated character, but he's a redhead with a scar on his face and he's super strong when he's got a sword and and and. *faceplant* Seriously, I actually feel kind of bad for Justin. I spent many hours watching that series with him completely fawning over this completely fictional character. He doesn't mind, but still. If Justin wanted to dye his hair bright red and become a swordsman (oh, god... Justin with a sword... I can't decide if that would be really hot or really potentially tragic) I wouldn't complain a whit.
I remembered, guys!
And now I really want a bento box. Okay, no. That's not true. I want a whole bunch of bento boxes. I love them! They're AWESOME!
So thanks, Kenshin... You reminded me of how you are.
Kenshin: You're welcome! ^_^x