Aug 07, 2010 06:50
You guys. YOU GUYS. D:
*deep breath* Oh God.
Um. So, at 4 AM I was pushing my newspaper cart down Triangelgatan, which is already my least favourite street on the route because it's extra dark and creepy and also the only street I don't know by heart yet. It was chilly and misty. Suddenly I saw something black, shiny and plastic looking on the ground beside a car. Someone dropped a toy, I thought, or a tool or something.
Only when I got closer I saw it was a crayfish. A BIG FUCKING BLACK CRAYFISH just sitting there in the middle of the street. At night. In the mist.
A TOY crayfish, I thought stupidly (IKR, but of the things you expect to see at 4 AM in the middle of a street, far away from water... )
I poked it tentatively with my shoe and it moved its tentacles.
And it wasn't just one. When I looked around I saw SIX OR SEVEN MORE of them. Everywhere around me on the street, crawling around aimlessly, tentacles waving slowly. I just. There are no words. It was like a horror movie and completely fucking bizarre. In full panic mode now, I accidentally poked another one with my foot and when I turned around it was WAVING ITS RAISED CLAW AT ME.
I walked on and saw some more crayfish that had been run over, lying there in crushed little piles of shells and tentacles and... fluids.
So, some idiot obviously had been crayfishing yesterday and then managed to let like half a bucket of them escape when he/she took them inside. And not bothered to collect them in again.
I finished the street and fled, kept looking over my shoulder half expecting to see them come crawling after me. I still feel sick and close to tears, and also sad because I feel sorry for them too, those confused little creatures crawling around...
HOW LONG CAN A CRAYFISH LIVE OUT OF WATER? Maybe there'll still be some left waiting for me tomorrow night. In the mist.
D: D: D: