Jack/Teal'c ficlets

Jun 30, 2010 22:11

tresa_cho generously offered up ficlets for the help_haiti auction. I've posted the MFU ones over at muncle and the SG ones (I just typed "SG1 ones" but it sounded really weird in my head) here.

Jack's back slammed to the matt. His breath exploded from his lungs in a half-laugh half-gasp. Teal'c's huge weight pressed into him, holding him in place. Jack wriggled, trying to get out of the pin, but Teal'c was too large and too solid. Jack chuckled. “Okay, okay. I can't get up. Get off, you huge lunk.” Jack helped push Teal'c to his feet and the Jaffa stood patiently as Jack straightened his shirt and sweats.

“You almost pulled free of that one, O’Neill. If you continue to practice you may one day master this technique,” Teal'c said. “Again.”

Jack shook his head and sunk into a ready stance. Teal'c came at him, and Jack spun out of the way. He grabbed Teal'c's wrist and bent it, trapping the large man's elbow between them. “Your arm is thicker than my entire chest,” Jack complained.


And Teal'c didn't move. Jack waited. This was the part where Teal'c was supposed to find a loophole in his hold and twist free. But... he wasn't. He was standing there, pressed hard to Jack's chest, breathing slow and deep like he always did. And Jack felt the air around them shift suddenly. He grew very warm, and was instantly aware of every single place he and Teal'c touched.

“Uh, Teal'c, buddy,” Jack cleared his throat anxiously. “You all right there?”

“Fine, O’Neill. I was merely contemplating.”

“Uh. Contemplating what, big guy?”

“The image of you naked.”


Jack released Teal'c and the alien turned to face him. “Just that, huh?” Jack said, trying to keep his voice casual amidst his thrumming heart.

“Just that,” Teal'c confirmed. Neither of them moved.

“Are you going to do something or just stand there all day?” Jack finally sighed in exasperation. Teal'c bent (this is so surreal, Jack thought wildly) and touched his lips to Jack's carefully. The kiss held as much deliberate intensity as anything else the alien did.

“Well, that was a good start,” Jack said when Teal'c drew back. Teal'c raised his eyebrow. “How about I take you out for a night and we'll see what you can do without anyone in a mile radius?”

“I believe I would enjoy that, O’Neill,” Teal'c intoned solemnly. Jack bit down on the flush rising to his cheeks as Teal'c eyes visibly swept down his body.

“Right. Well, we'll uh, continue this later then, shall we? I think I need a cold shower...”


“What, T?”

“How does your culture define strength?”

“Aw, come on, T. I'm bleeding out here and you pop a question like that?”

“I, too, am severely injured and awaiting help. I do not believe we are in danger of immediate rescue.”

Jack snorted. “That is a danger I will gladly accept. I think the phrase you're looking for is 'I've got time'. Strength is getting up when you've been kicked to the ground. It's standing up for what you believe in without walking over less fortunate people. It's bleeding and getting hurt but still loving life because you only get one shot at it. How's that?”

“It is a sufficient response to my question.”

“Why did you ask it anyway? What brought this up now, of all times, when we're stuck in a Goa'uld dungeon ignoring his high and mighty-ness? Not because of what he was saying? Teal'c?”

“His speech did provoke contemplation, O’Neill, but not doubts. I merely reflected on why I chose to follow you. You have a much more acceptable understanding of strength than these so-called gods.”

“I'm flattered... I think.”

“Accept the compliment, O’Neill.”

“Right. All right. I can do that.”
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