Drum corps...

May 15, 2006 11:22

well...it has started again!

Friday-my whole crew drove down from my house...got to rehearsal, hung out, eventually did lots of basics and then learned a diddy. Stopped at Wawa, and went to the Tierno's to crash.

Saturday- 9am to 9pm rehearsal. It rained, and then it didn't, then it rained, and then stopped...you get the picture. Did rifle, sabre and flag auditions...fun times. Got sunburnt. The corps proper was at Twin Valley, so we didn't get to see them...although, I think it would have been cool to see the spring preview considering most of the guard hasn't even heard what music the corps is playing. Met new friends in the guard...went to the pizza place...got back to the tierno's before the rest of the corps, got everyone showered, watched Bucs 2005...and then the corps got back and I got to see Josh! :) Had a little wine with lois, and eventually went to bed. This whole day kinda sucked due to the fact that my allergies decided to act up...BAD.

Sunday- Learned the whole opener at Buc field...headed to Lucent for visual and ensemble with the corps, where we finally heard them play! YAY! fun times. The allergies were horrific so aubrey drove home. Stopped at Julie's for dinner and hing out for a long long time...took aubrey home, then Will...and eventually got home and went to sleep.

Today I just got up like 45 minutes ago...which is fine b/c I felt like crap, and now I feel much better. going into the school at 2:30pm...for dance team auditions. Shold be interesting.

The week:
Monday-Dance team auditions and dance pics
Tuesday- Dance class with the seniors and driving home to Allentown
Wednesday- HOME
Thursday-home and then to Conestoga Valley for guard rehearsal and staying with Josh
Friday-Back to Dillsburg, and then off to Bucs for the weekend
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