Just droppin in

Jul 25, 2006 11:23

Things have been hectic.  Over this weekend I did a major overhaul and cleaning of my apartment.  I still have one closet to do but, besides that, ah- such bliss.  For someone who is home so much of the timeit is so important, to to my well being in general.  I must keep at this so that if I ever do find a house, it will be an easier move.

Second thing to happen was an old friend found me on myspace.  This was someone who I was best friends with when I first moved to NJ.  Things ended badly between us but while in college I spoke to her again and things were friendly.  I spoke to her on the phone some things and some people don't change.

Yesterday I whacked A LOT of my hair off.   I really like it.  It was a risky PMS move but I really am Happy with it and my family all seems to like it especially my hubby.  He did the obligatory "have you seen my wife?'  When he saw me.

And lastly but certainly not leastly,  My Granny Annie is in from Florida and I saw her yesterday.  She looks just the same as ever.  She is still a Foxy Lady (no really, that's the name of her dance troupe).  Her picture was even just in a magazine...for humana members but it is her in one of her costumes with the other ladies (it kinda looks like a Rockettes reunion).  She is in till this Saturday so I am hoping to spend some nice time with her and my momala.

Last night we all had coffee (I drank water) at my mom's I saw my brother and his wife.And Friday night the whole family will be going to dinner together....well not my whole family (as a child of divorce you only get the whole family for weddings and births).

That is all for now I guess but, now that my pad is swankified again, I must have company (company who is not to touch or eat anything ; ) )

Smell ya later!

the life and trials of the crazy crohn

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